T598 – Firmware release notes
Firmware version [FW: 2.07]
If you encounter some difficulties to update your T598 firmware, here are the links for the procedure you must follow.
Bug Fix
- T-LCM Pedal set issue = now detected correctly without the dead zone issue on the accelerator
- FFB Settings save issue = MASTER setting level is now properly saved in FFB1, FFB2, FFB3
- Race Dash user interface update :
- New startup sequence
- Serial number information is now available on the screen
- Add INERTIA see setting (see FW: 2.06 New feature)
- Cancel oscillations in PlayStation menu
- Cancel oscillations in GT7’s menu and pause menu
New feature
- New FFB adjustment = INERTIA setting (available under FFB menu from user interface)
This screen lets you adjust the wheel rim’s inertia.
There are four settings to choose from, ranging from no inertia to high inertia (OFF, LOW, MID, HIGH), allowing for more or less steering control depending on the game you are playing and the vehicle you are using.
This motor setting increases the wheel rim’s inertia proportionally to the vehicle’s speed. The faster the vehicle goes, the more the inertia increases.
High inertia increases the force required to turn the wheel rim (the wheel rim then slows down), thereby limiting oscillations in a straight line when using very powerful vehicles.
Warning: The Inertia effect is only functional in games that support displaying the vehicle’s speed on the base’s screen.
The list of compatible games is available here: https://support.thrustmaster.com/product/T598p/. In the Games settings section, select List of games compatible with the T598 INERTIA option.